·        Department of Defense
·        General Services Administration
·        Department of Veterans Affairs
·        Veterans Administration Medical Centers
·        India Postal Service (India Post)
·        CGHS(Central Govt. Health Services)in India
·        and all others...
Bar code labels are critical to your operations where essential document tracking, asset marking, testing or research functions are occurring. That makes reliability, consistent product quality and conformance to quality standards the top priority. Support provided by Electronic Imaging is unmatched in the bar code label industry. We do thorough production planning to avoid emergencies and we provide rapid 24-hour response to difficult situations.
Please contact for price related queries and placing orders at :
      S-4, Pankaj Plaza, Pocket-7, Plot-7,
      Near Metro Station(Dwarka-12),
      Metro Pillar No-1030, New Delhi-110078, India
 +91-11-28032434, +91-11-46102688
 +91-9717122688, +91-9810822688